
Hard copy mail
made easy

In a world of email and txt phishing and spamming, physical mail continues to prove that it’s a trusted channel for essential information, reminders, notifications and special offers. However, physical mail is hard work if you do it yourself. Every mail-out means hours of printing, sorting, folding, envelope-stuffing and posting. That’s why DX Mail created Digi-Mail, the virtual mailroom that saves you money and time

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Here's how NZ's small businesses and organisations are using Digi-Mail

  • A medical practice uses Digi-Mail to send out health test reminders and invoices
  • An accounting company uses Digi-Mail to send clients seasonal newsletters
  • An insurance broker uses Digi-Mail to send updated policy documents to customers
  • A retailer uses Digi-Mail for bulk post marketing to send letters to its database
  • A home-based spice blend manufacturer uses Digi-Mail to send recipe ideas and special offers to its customers

Digi-Mail at a glance

Before Digi-Mail

Prepare letter template and
complete mail merge
Print on your in-house printer (ensuring ink
and paper don’t run out).
Fold Letters, then stuff and seal
Take to post Shop

After Digi-Mail

Prepare print-ready and mail merged
communication, then upload to Digi-Mail
Pay online (Lite) or get a
monthly invoice.

The benefits of digital mail management

For organisations that need the effectiveness of hard-copy mail outs, using Digi-Mail is a way to optimise efficiency.

Saves money and time

Digi-Mail is faster and cheaper than the traditional DIY approach to mail outs. Your employees take minutes, not hours, to do a mail-out. You don’t need a printer, ink or paper. As a rule, you can expect each letter to cost around 20 cents less to produce and post.

Supports remote workers

With Digi-Mail, organisations can manage mail-outs remotely from anywhere at any time using an internet-connected smartphone, tablet or laptop. As well as providing convenience and flexibility, it means archived documents and correspondence can be accessed quickly and easily.

Can also be used for email

If you choose the Pro version, you can send emails with Digi-Mail. These are archived and reports can be generated with results.

Optimised management

Every Digi-Mail mail-out is archived. Your people can search and find previous communications easily. If you use Digi-Mail Pro, reports can be generated to capture every data point of every mail-out.

Less stationery inventory

Saves buying stationery supplies, such as paper, envelopes and ink cartridges. Easier accounting. Cost code reporting enables you to on-charge each mailing to the respective internal cost centre.

Frees employees from boring tasks

By outsourcing print and mail services with Digi-Mail, you can put more employee hours toward other aspects of your business. This shift allows your business to increase the productivity and efficiency of your core business operations or functions.

High quality print and presentation

Digi-Mail creates templates that can be used repeatedly, ensuring your communications look good and meet brand requirements every time. It’s likely the print quality will be better than before, because Digi-Mail uses only the best print technology.

Enhanced security and privacy

All versions of Digi-Mail provide secure storage for mail items, safeguarding sensitive information and reducing the risk of loss or theft. Additionally, we offer shredding and document disposal options for returned mail to maintain privacy and compliance with data protection regulations.

Easy to scale up

As your customer base grows, Digi-Mail ensures mail-outs happen as smoothly and quickly as ever. Likewise, you can easily downscale your mail-outs to cope with change or seasonable demand.

Easier accounting

Cost code reporting enables you to on-charge each mailing to the respective internal cost centre.

Book a Digi-Mail demonstration

A live demonstration will quickly show you how Digi-Mail can save time, money and hassle. Book a demo with our expert.

Which Digi-Mail solution is right for you?

This table shows the features you get with each version of Digi-Mail.

Most new users begin with pay-as-you-go Lite, then switch to on-account Pro.

Digi-Mail questions and answers

Digi-Mail Lite is our basic, pay-as-you-go service. It doesn’t use templates – you just upload your PDF letter and select the address. Lite could be used by an individual, to send out wedding invitations or a Christmas letter. But mostly it’s used by small businesses and organisations who want to send letters, reminders or information to their customer base or sales prospects.
Digi-Mail Pro is billed monthly. It archives for longer and uses templates for repeated types of communications. Pro is usually used by businesses and organisations that send higher volumes of printed communications to their customer databases or would like to send letters via email.
Digi-Mail Enterprise and Digi-Mail Pro are essentially the same software with identical user interfaces and features. However, Enterprise is a tailored solution offering these benefits:
  • Software is customised and configured to meet your business needs, such as reporting types, merging of documents to meet bulk postage or another specific requirement.
  • Processing is handled individually, so you can use your own envelopes, select custom cut-off times for lodgement and access other tailored services.
Digi-Mail Lite is a pay-as-you-go service that’s paid online by credit card. You’ll see the cost of each mail out when you upload your communication. Digi-Mail Pro and Enterprise are on-account services that are invoiced once a month. On average, a company sending 50 letters a week will save about $550 a year in printing and postage costs. Additionally, your employees will have more time for other income-generating tasks. Use our online calculator to work out the savings.

With Digi-Mail Lite, you can search using name and delivery address. With Digi-Mail Pro, all data fields are searchable, including name, address, customer number, invoice number, account number and any other identifiers you use. You can also add a custom data field for anything you might want to search on.

With Digi-Mail Lite, you can search using name and delivery address. With Digi-Mail Pro, all data fields are searchable, including name, address, customer number, invoice number, account number and any other identifiers you use. You can also add a custom data field for anything you might want to search on.